

Governance and organisational
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Socially communicative
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Task oriented
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Competency development
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100


Am I customer-focused? How do I handle stress? Can I collaborate?

In this section, we'll show you your score on 29 different competencies. We follow the classification from the book "The Art of Management" by M.A. Nieuwenhuis (ISBN-13: 978-90-806665-1-1, 2003-2010). Competencies encompass knowledge, skills, and qualities relevant to the (new) work environment, but can also be useful for personal and student life during studies.

While the previous sections are stable, this section is well-developable.
Consider it as a baseline measurement; here, we'll show you whether you've utilized the 29 competencies over the past 6 to 8 months and how you've scored, focusing mainly on the behaviors you've demonstrated.
You can expand each competency category.
Then, you can click on each competency (which opens a pop-up).
At the top, you'll find the general description of the competency.
Within each competency, we'll display three main themes followed by behaviors.
For competencies where you score above 40%, less effort is required, and you currently excel in them.
The colors:
Orange = You have a basic grasp of the competency.
Green = You are experienced in this competency.
Blue = You are an expert in this competency.

It's primarily about the behavior you're exhibiting now. If you've been applying the behavior you want to develop for six months or longer, your score on that competency will increase.

Tip: If you're looking for another position, consider a role that includes competencies in which you score between 40-50. If you want to develop, analyze the behaviors at different levels and integrate this into your development plan.


Determining clear objectives and ensuring employees contribute to achieving them.

Stimulating and motivating
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You stimulate and motivate people to commit themselves to the organisational objectives; you offer support when necessary; and you choose appropriate motivational resource
  • You encourage a productive and pleasant work environment.
  • You actively support the vision and mission of the organisation and stimulate others to do this too
  • You provide space and give responsibility to employees to develop initiatives
  • You offer compliments and reward employees for individual and collective results
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are good at delegating and ensure the work is shared appropriately
  • You ensure the observation of agreements, rules, procedures and quality requirements.
  • You request and value the input of employees
  • You monitor progress towards achieving the objectives
  • You recognise and acknowledge performance, and you hold employees accountable for their contributions and the results
Strategic decision-making
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You provide leadership in discussions about strategic policy and the long-term perspective of the organisation
  • You create commitment in the organisation by establishing an appealing vision, setting plans and goals, and consistently working towards them
  • You monitor and anticipate relevant developments in the vicinity of the organisation and translate these developments into strategic policy

Planning and organising

Effectively determining the time, targets, priorities, actions and resources required to achieve certain objectives.

Effectively planning and organising one’s own work.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You know what to do and you take the initiative (within limits).
  • You set goals and priorities in your own work.
  • You finish your work on time.
  • You comply with agreements.
Coordinating one’s own work and that of others.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You ensure the availability of the resources needed to achieve the objectives.
  • You have an overview of the tasks to be performed.
  • You state how the work can be efficiently and effectively classified and carried out; you make clear agreements; and you establish the expectations (who, what when).
  • You set goals and priorities in your own work and that of others.
Broad approach to supervision.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You ensure efficient and effective allocation of resources.
  • You manage the planning and organisation of activities and you support others in this.
  • You anticipate developments that affect the goals of the organisation and adjust schedules and objectives accordingly.
  • You do several things at the same time; you can switch quickly from one to the other; and you keep an eye on the main issues.


Aiming at translating and developing goals into reality and achieving results according to a timeline, standards and agreements.

Monitoring objectives and taking the initiative.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You set yourself ambitious goals.
  • You can balance effort against potential results.
  • You are persistent when looking for solutions to complex problems, and you adjust your approach if necessary.
  • You spend your time effectively and efficiently.
  • You hold employees accountable for their results, and you hold them accountable if they do not achieve the agreed results.
  • You work towards achieving an output, and you set priorities.
Committed to achieving set goals.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You make clear agreements about the goals to be achieved and your contribution to them.
  • You are visibly committed to achieving the goals set.
  • You identify and quickly communicate when bottlenecks occur in the work.
  • You are tenacious in the face of disruptions and setbacks.
Focused on achieving long-term goals and results
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You achieve improvements in the work and preconditions, both within andoutside your own area of expertise.
  • You set measurable (strategic)objectives and define the results in the longer term.
  • You make agreements about the way in which long-term goals must be achieved, and you test and guarantee compliance with agreements.
  • You stimulate others to set and achieve ambitious goals, and you show exemplary behaviour in this regard.
  • You facilitate others or remove obstacles for others, so that common goals can be achieved.


Identifying opportunities and converting them into actions that contribute to improved results for the organisation.

Actively exploiting and translating opportunities.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are actively involved in the future and continuity of the organisation.
  • You look for opportunities and take initiatives within your field and you translate them into practical products or services.
  • You respond to signals from the environment and link actions to them, you do not miss opportunities.
  • You dare to take (responsible) risks to improve existing solutions and approaches
  • You are commercially oriented.
Highlighting opportunities.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are open to change, improvement and innovation.
  • You are good at assessing opportunities you spot.
  • You respond well to the wishes of the customer.
Stimulating entrepreneurship.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You translate developments in the environment into out-of-the-norm plans, even outside your own field.
  • Your direct innovative activities enthuse others and are able to sell success.
  • You start activities and encourage others to improve and innovate.


Cooperation The ability to work with others towards a common goal, even if this goal is not directly of personal interest.

Using your own initiative to work with others in order to achieve a joint result.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You offer help, whether this is solicited or unsolicited, and ask for help yourself where necessary.
  • You make clear and measurable agreements.
  • You use your own initiative to exchange information, knowledge and ideas with employees or colleagues in support of achieving the common goal.
  • You incorporate the opinions of others into your own ideas, plans and working methods.
Collaborating and informing others.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You show interest in your colleagues and help them when asked.
  • You keep agreements.
  • You share information and experience with others.
  • You offer your opinion, ask the opinion of colleagues, and take this into account
  • You contribute towards the collective activity.
Stimulating collaboration.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You encourage others to collaborate and express their ideas.
  • You make suggestions to improve the joint result.
  • You encourage employees or colleagues to share information and knowledge with each other.
  • You promote good mutual understanding and offer constructive criticism and feedback.

Power of persuasion

Obtaining approval for ideas and proposals using the appropriate style and arguments for the time. Tactfully standing up for one’s own opinion, needs or interests. Tactfully handling and resolving highly charged conflicts of interest.

Putting yourself in the position of the other and dealing with different points of view
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You argue your own opinion from different perspectives
  • You can point out the advantages of your own opinion to the other person
  • You refute opinions or objections of others by using appropriate arguments
Arguing clearly and logically
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You can substantiate and express your own opinion well
  • You believe in your own point of view and know how to convey it
  • You show understanding for the opinions and points of view of others
Being persuasive in situations of divergent interests and supporting others
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You recognise the underlying interests and emotions and highlight common interests
  • You overcome resistance with thorough preparation, tenacity and by displaying faith in your point of view
  • You help others put their point across better and choose the right tactics

Organizational awareness

The ability to assess and understand the relationships and effects of political forces within (and outside) the organization and act accordingly.

Having insight into the organization
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You understand the formal and informal structure of the organization and comprehends their own position within it.
  • You understand the formal decision-making structure of the organization: policies, rules, and procedures. Possesses insight into the informal decision-making structure.
  • You pay attention to organizational culture.
Acting based on knowledge of the organization and environmental developments
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You understand the formal and informal structure of the organization and comprehends their own position within it.
  • You understand the formal decision-making structure of the organization: policies, rules, and procedures.
  • You possess insight into the informal decision-making structure.
  • You pay attention to organizational culture.
  • You assess the consequences of actions and advice, based on a good understanding of the organization.
Promoting organizational awareness
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are aware of unwritten rules and knows how to navigate within the informal organization effectively.
  • You are capable of gaining/create support; establishes useful, supportive networks by building contacts with other departments/agencies.
  • You identify relevant environmental developments and integrates them into work.
  • You contribute to promoting the desired organizational culture.
  • You make an assessment of the (political) feasibility of developed or proposed plans and recommendations.
  • Your are familiar with the environmental factors that influence the involved parties and understand underlying issues and (political) forces.


Networking finding, building and maintaining contacts and collaboration with colleagues, customers and other potential relations that are important for the goals of the organisation and/or the unit.

Making new contacts
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You respond well to important developments in your network
  • You go to your own network if you need specific knowledge or information
  • You bring people into contact with one another, introduce them to one another, and encourage the exchange of information
  • You feel at ease with people, whether you know them or not, and you can assess backgrounds and relationships
  • You easily approach people and make appointments for further contact
  • You seek the cooperation of internal and external partners with mutual interests
Maintaining contacts
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You keep track of important developments in your network
  • You show interest in the business and personal circumstances of whomever you are speaking to; you listen actively and you initiate conversations
  • You can easily maintain contacts in various situations
  • You regularly contact others in order to maintain your network
  • You visit places if there is a chance you can maintain your network
Building a professional and influential network
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You anticipate important developments in your network
  • You enter into partnerships so the organisation is better able to achieve its goals.
  • You use your network to support others
  • You stimulate others to maintain their internal and external contacts and to make new contacts, and you offer tips and support

Customer orientation

The ability to anticipate and meet the demands, wishes, needs and interests of both internal and externalcustomers.

Using your own initiative to develop appropriate proposals and actively contribute ideas
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are actively helpful and offer good advice to customers, and you have a thorough knowledge of the customer
  • You actively strive to increase customer satisfaction and to improve quality
  • You maintain your relationship with the customer, and you develop potential relationships
Being service oriented
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are helpful when it comes to customer questions
  • You take action quickly and adequately in response to customer questions
  • You are focused on delivering quality
  • You show integrity and honesty in contact, and you make clear agreements about service, quality and delivery
Encouraging others to optimise customer service
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You spontaneously work with the customer and, if necessary,are able to look beyond their questions and identify what they actually need, and then see the possibilities and limitations
  • You translate the customer’s informationinto a realistic proposal, aimed at adding value for customers
  • You take extra actions to build or strengthen the relationship with customers
  • You stimulate and facilitate others to actively work in a customer-oriented way

Communication skills

Being able to clearly and unambiguously convey ideas and information, orally and in writing, in such a way that the essence is understood via effective use of the means of communication. Finding a suitable skill or communication method, depending on the situation or goal.

Sending and receiving information effectively and efficiently
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You present yourself easily and make contacts in different social environments
  • You build up an argument logically and stay focused
  • You check whether your message has been received by the target group
  • You are open to consultation
  • You recognise (non-)verbal communication
Listening and transferring
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You apply a clear and logical structure to the information you convey, and you do not exaggerate unnecessarily
  • You use language aligned to the message and target group, and you do not use unnecessary jargon
  • You speak calmly and clearly (speed, volume, articulation), and you make effective use of words, gestures and aids
  • You write clearly, concisely and without errors (word choice, spelling, grammar)
  • You show interest and are attentive; you listen actively and you ask for someone’s opinion, advice and about their well-being
  • You explain issues clearly and authoritatively, until the point at which your message is fully understood.
Providing a good communication environment
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You pay attention to the needs, interests, emotions and views of others, and you anticipate these by adapting your verbal and non-verbal communication style
  • You make complex subjects understandable for others
  • You stimulate others to communicate clearly
  • You promote two-way communication


Identifying problems, seeing connections, drawing well-founded conclusions, and assessing consequences. Dividing complex problems into parts and identifying major side issues. Making use of logic.

Make connections and identify causes
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You approach a problem from different angles and arrive at a nuanced judgement
  • You know if the information you have collected is sufficient to draw conclusions, and you can distinguish between factual information and interpretations orassumptions
  • You make connections between different types of information
  • You draw conclusions about the cause and effect of problems
See the essence of the problem.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You ask specific questions to clarify a problem
  • You work systematically and in a structured way to analyse a problem
  • You collect the relevant information
  • You identify major side issues from the information supplied
Create complex analyses
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You foresee long-term consequences
  • You have insight into (underlying) conflicts of interest
  • You place the problem in a broader context outside your own field
  • You see the bigger picture and elevate issues to a higher level of abstraction
  • You bring complex, sometimes contradictory information back to the core


Using the available information, you arrive at realistic, substantiated and useful conclusions about possible alternative courses of action.

Weighing up alternatives and taking positions
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You include multiple perspectives or criteria in your considerations, such as customer interests, quality, efficiency, costs, personnel, short-term and long-term objectives
  • You use your personal point of view when considering issues, and you can clearly show how you have reached a judgement
  • You include possible side effects of your position in the considerations
  • You are able to consider complex issues and discover the argument about why and to what extent one alternative is preferable to another
Forming a judgement based on facts and from different angles
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You can quickly and efficiently gather the right information
  • You weigh up alternatives
  • You are open to receiving the opinion of others
  • You can substantiate your own opinion
  • You oversee the effects of actions and decisions based on your own opinion
Encouraging others to arrive at a substantiated and nuanced judgement
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You distinguish between main and side issues and prioritise main issues
  • You outline the short- and long-term consequences of your judgement, taking uncertain factors into account
  • You stimulate interaction

Environmental awareness

Taking relevant developments in the environment of the organisation and using this knowledge for the benefit of the organisation and/or the field.

Making active use of knowledge of external developments
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You communicate regularly about the meaning of external developments
  • You participate in knowledge networks
  • You use your knowledge of developments in your work
Informing yourself about external developments
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are interested in current affairs and you know what is going on in the social, political, technological and economic field
  • You stay up-to-date about developments concerning knowledge gained within your own professional field
  • You regularly exchange ideas about external developments with others
Promoting situational awareness
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You act as a source of information for others within the field
  • You translate relevant external developments to your own organisation
  • You support and encourage others to exchange information about relevant external developments


Approaching issues from different angles, coming up with original and new ideas and solutions, and breaking through established thinking patterns.

Coming up with new or alternative ideas and solutions
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You approach issues from new and unexpected angles
  • You think conceptually about issues
  • You connect existing ideas and solutions in order to develop a new solution or idea
  • You regularly come up with unusual and innovative proposals and ideas
Looking at issues differently and responding critically and thoughtfully
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You approach issues from different angles
  • You are not bound to fixed patterns and (thinking) frameworks
  • You improve existing working methods
  • You respond to new perspectives
Being innovative and original and encouraging others to do the samee
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You support and inspire employees in a ninnovative thinking process
  • You create synergy between your own ideas and those of others to come up with innovative proposals
  • You contribute to the implementation of innovative ideas in the organisation
  • You create a climate in which creativity is stimulated


Possessing the substantive professional knowledge, expertise and skills necessary to perform the profession adequately.

Acting independently and showing initiative within your own field
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You have in-depth current knowledge and skills in the field
  • You are actively focused on sharing your own expertise with others and you make use of the expertise of others
  • You act independently, carefully and in a results-oriented way
Having and applying the right knowledge and skills to perform the job properly
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You carry out assignments well within the agreed frameworks
  • You assess situations well
  • You apply your knowledge and skills appropriately
  • You keep up with your profession
Being excellent in the field and encouraging others to develop competence
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You actively contribute to maintaining the knowledge and skill level of the organisation
  • You provide an excellent level of service from your own area of work
  • You have knowledge of new (technological) developments in your field, as well as in related and supporting work areas, and you use this information effectively in the performance of your own work


Listening to and thinking with others, recognising the feelings and needs of others, empathising with others, and consciously dealing with different backgrounds and interests.

Moving in and supporting others
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You take the interests of others into account
  • You deal well with your own emotions as well as those of others, and you clearly state what the limits are
  • You consult, creating trust and support
  • You discuss mutual interaction in groups in a way accepted by the others
Being receptive to others
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are a good, active listener and you are patient
  • You take others seriously and show respect and understanding
  • You are interested, involved and compassionate
  • You put yourself into others’ situations or worlds and recognise their sensitivities, emotions, doubts and irritations
Dealing with differences
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You can easily switch between different roles
  • You are able to properly assess the various interests in complex situations
  • You are aware of your own position and the influence your decisions have on others, and you take this into account
  • You address others about their development and contribution, and you adopt a critical approach from an understanding attitude
  • You look for underlying problems, reasons and causes for someone’s feelings or behaviours


In word and deed, acting in line with generally accepted social and ethical standards and values, even under difficult circumstances or under pressure to deviate from them. Being accountable for this and holding others accountable for it.

Acting discreetly in all situations
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You always show everyone you value them
  • You have a clear opinion and are open to the opinion of others
  • You have knowledge of the norms and values of other cultures
  • You handle confidential or sensitive information regarding others carefully and discreetly
  • You prevent conflicts of interestor, if possible, remove them quickly, and you make your .`own position and interests clear in (business) conflict situations
Acting according to generally applicable standards and values
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You propagate standards and values to the outside world
  • You are honest and reliable
  • You show respect for others
  • You have no prejudices and you are neutral
Calling others to account regarding integrity and dissemination of conviction
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You encourage respect and openness in dealing with others
  • You act consistently from your own conviction
  • You show exemplary behaviour regarding respect, honesty and reliability
  • You highlight unethical behaviour and take action


The ability to take informed and self-conscious decisions and take actions, even in difficult circumstances.

Presenting oneself self-consciously
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You believe in your own vision, even when others disagree
  • You are vulnerable and openly admit mistakes
  • You elevate yourself by radiating expertise and convincingly contributing to discussions in your own field
  • You have a strong and resilient attitude in contact with other people
  • You don’t take opposition or resistance personally
Trusting your own points of view
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You keep your distance so you can consider all the relevant aspects and form your own, well-considered, independent opinion
  • You have confidence in your own points of view and act on them
Encouraging others to adopt a self-aware attitude
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You create an atmosphere in which feelings and emotions can be shared, and where people dare to be vulnerable and openly admit mistakes
  • You present your own vision, and if others have a different vision, you calmly confront them in a constructive way
  • You encourage others to trust in your abilities


Taking responsibility for (calculated) high-risk decisions in situations where immediate action is required, even if this could have adverse consequences for one’s own position. Tackling difficult situations and not walking around them.

Taking risks and responsibility
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You take responsible, calculated risks
  • You deal well with different types of people’s behaviour, and you can respond to this
  • You act from self-confidence and your own convictions, you make decisions and accept responsibility
  • You take positions and command respect
Acting decisively and respectfully
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You choose the right behaviour in different situations
  • You are not afraid of confrontation if necessary
  • You allow yourself to be addressed about your behaviour and are open to feedback
  • You always show respect for others
Radiating confidence
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You act deliberately and decisively under pressure and in high-risk situations
  • You contribute to crisis management and take the lead in managing crisis situations
  • You involve colleagues in resolving a problem or issue, and you show confidence in the expertise of other people
  • You exude authority, confidence and prestige through strong, consistent, consequential and determined action

Stress resistance

Remaining effective under time or workload pressure, during adversity, opposition, after disappointment/or against criticism. Not allowing yourself to be thrown off balance.

Prioritising and putting things into perspective
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You deal constructively with criticism from others and remain willing to test your own approach
  • You prioritise when under (time) pressure and continue to act effectively and tactically
  • You perform well for extended periods under time pressure, setbacks and complications
Remaining calm under pressure and handling one’s own work professionally
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You react calmly and kindly in hectic and unexpected situations
  • You show self-control in situations that evoke high emotion
  • You continue to work effectively and maintain your concentration under (time) pressure
  • You maintain a correct and tactful attitude in confrontations
Recognising stress
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You recognise stress factors and make them discussable by analysing the process with others
  • You plan and structure your work in such a way that stress is prevented for yourself and others
  • You show exemplary behaviour by remaining positive and enthusiastic under high pressure and in complex situations


Taking the initiative to act and make proposals. Not waiting, taking the lead, anticipating, looking for and seeing opportunities, identifying bottlenecks and acting accordingly.

Taking unsolicited and independent action
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You come up with improvement proposals
  • You look ahead to anticipate future events
  • You see opportunities and seize them
Doing more than is instructed within the work situation
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You see where work is
  • You pick up work without being asked
  • You offer help to others and/orask for help
  • You take action when things can be done differently and better
Stimulating others to take the initiative
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You take the lead to actually implement ideas and decisions
  • You focus on the future to identify opportunities for the organisation and take them on
  • You make investments that will have an effect on the organisation
  • You create a climate in which taking the initiative is valued

Quality awareness

Making high demands on the quality of a product or service.

Taking action to improve the quality of work
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You intervene if you donot achieve the required quality level
  • You ask for feedback on the quality of the work you have done
  • You feel co-responsible for the quality of the products and services of the organisation
  • You continuously strive for quality improvement of products and services
Handling established quality requirements and correcting errors
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You work according to the prevailing view of quality
  • You are constantly aware of the conditions imposed on the quality of the work
  • You feel responsible for the quality of your own work
  • You notice errors in your own work and correct them
Striving for continuous quality improvement and encouraging others to do the same
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You define quality criteria for the organisation
  • You ensure others are aware of the quality agreements made
  • You speak to others about the quality of the work they deliver
  • You ensure the quality delivered is discussed on a regular basis
  • You are encouraged to make suggestions for improvement


Daring to make decisions and then standing behind them and acting on them, even if the information is limited and things are uncertain or involve risks. Making decisions and not unnecessarily postponing decisions.

Making decisions and taking the initiative to act
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You make decisions, even when all the information is not yet available
  • You make decisions, even when the consequences are not fully known
  • You substantiate the decisions taken with a view to their acceptance by stakeholders
Making a decision after considering all relevant aspects
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You take account of all the relevant aspects during your considerations, and then you decide quickly and decisively
  • You stand behind the choices you make
  • You act on the decisions you make and you feel responsible for them
Involving others in decision-making and encouraging them to make their own decisions
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You make crucial decisions in complex situations that (can) have major consequences
  • You involve others indecision-making
  • You pay a lot of attention to communication during the decision-making process
  • You ensure support for the decisions taken
  • You encourage others to make decisions, including in complex situations


Effectively adapting to changing circumstances, resistance, problems or opportunities by varying the working method in order toachieve the set goal.

Seeing developments through and responding quickly.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You can quickly adapt to new situations and are able to work in other areas quickly.
  • You quickly pick new things up and take them with you in your own work.
  • You adapt your behavioural style to the situation.
Responding effectively to changing circumstances.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You have insight into your own approach.
  • You quickly switch between different activities within your own area.
  • You are open to feedback.
  • You see when your behavioural style does not work with the person you are engaging.
Encouraging others to think about their style of behaviour and anticipating changing circumstances.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You see when there is a need or necessity for change, and you develop initiatives for this.
  • You can easily change your behavioural style if the situation calls for it.
  • You encourage others to adopt different behavioural styles.


Delivers above-average efforts; is not limited to what is asked of him/her; tackles issues with energy and enthusiasm. Strives to realise high production; has a critical focus on rapidly completing tasks and realising a high workload.

0 20 40 60 80 100
  • Maintains dedication to realising goals; does not give up until these have been achieved.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • Active over a long period, when this is required by the role. Hard-working, has plenty of stamina.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • Demonstrates aim to take on a higher role within the organisation.


Stimulating and motivating others and being focused on their personal development, and giving and receiving feedback in an open relationship.

Helping others develop and improve their competencies.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You help employees increase their own insight into their strengths and weaknesses.
  • You support employees to achieve the objectives they have formulated for themselves.
  • You give clear and nuanced feedback to others that is aimed at their development.
Giving feedback, support and thinking with others.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You provide feedback on actual behaviour and hold a mirror up to others.
  • You pay attention to questions and problems and respond to them.
  • You help others formulate their own development goals.
  • You give others directions and tips to improve results.
Foreseeing and anticipating how others develop.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You have a wide repertoire of coaching skills.
  • You help others break or reinforce behavioural patterns.
  • You empathise with the other person, and you build up their self-confidence.
  • You stimulate others to use and increase their competences.

Learning capacity

Desire and ability to grow further for broad and permanent employability.

Actively searching for learning situations and converting learning points into actions.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are not stuck to standard thinking frameworks; you are open to new developments in your field; and you integrate new knowledge into existing frameworks.
  • You use the experiences and talents of others for your own development and achievements.
  • You convert learning points into actions, and you apply acquired insights and knowledge directly into practice by trying to push boundaries and take on challenges.
Being open to feedback and making use of opportunities for development.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You see strengths and weaknesses in your own performance and you learn from mistakes.
  • You request feedback from others, and you create feedback or practice situations for yourself.
  • You want to learn in work situations, and you look for and use opportunities for your own development.
  • You express your wishes, needs and (dis) satisfaction.
  • You use the space offered for your development.
Ensuring a good learning environment.
0 20 40 60 80 100
  • You are critical of other people’s performance and you share experiences.
  • You take targeted action for the development of others.
  • You have insight into different learning processes and learning styles, and you use this insight for the benefit of the organisation.