
Personality Perfectionist

You are Practical, reliable and principled

Many of us show perfectionist traits and it can be a positive quality. Perfectionists are meticulous in what they do and how they do it. They strive to realise the best possible result by emphasising control, details and avoiding errors.

Positive features

  • A strong inner drive to improve and perfect everything.
  • Doing things with great care and being dedicated and passionate.
  • Sets the bar high for themselves and also often for others.
  • Often very well organised and actions are carefully considered

Possible pitfalls

  • Struggles to delegate and this can lead to high workload or stress.
  • Tends to take on too much work and thinks ‘I usually know what to do or how to do it’.
  • Can be sensitive to irritation, impatience and perfectionism and sometimes struggles with keeping emotions under control.
  • Can be allergic to incompetence in others and this can hinder collaboration

Everything must be done well and can always be done better.

What behavior do you exhibit when you are in balance?

For a perfectionist, relaxation can lead to greater acceptance of imperfection. The spontaneous side of the person is granted more space and issues may be left to run their course.

The focus shifts from ‘having to’ to ‘wanting to’ and there will be greater contact with the person’s own emotions. A healthy perfectionist is more flexible and better able to deal with changes. Irritation and anger are expressed rather than bottled up.

The perfectionist realises that there is more than just one way.

What behavior do you exhibit under increased pressure or stress?

Under increased pressure or stress, situational behavior may emerge. Below, you will find a list of behaviors; often, you will recognize one that fits you.

Can be moody, prone to complaining, dramatic, depressed and erratic. May rush to judge those who do not live by their own ideals.

It is often most effective for a perfectionist to break ingrained patterns by working on serenity and calmness.

Core qualities

  • Self-discipline
  • Reliability
  • Order
  • Idealism

Key Values

  • Integrity
  • Honesty

Other personalities

  • Helper

    Warm, engaged, caring and sensitive to the needs of others

    Luckily, we have plenty of people who are happy to help others. These are often warm people who always bear the needs of others in mind. They like to work in service roles and contribute towards a harmonious atmosphere in the organisation where they work, but also in the home setting and within their circle of friends.

  • Perfomer

    energetic, enthusiastic, confident and purposeful.

    This type focuses on working hard and achieving results in the world. They are highly driven, often described as ‘workaholics’ and often believe that competition is good because it brings out the best in people. They apply themselves 100% in order to achieve success.

  • Individualist

    sensitive, warm and intelligent

    These personality types are often passionate and romantic, with a refined lifestyle. They strive to see and do things differently and aim to distinguish themselves as a unique personality. Authenticity and connection are very important to them, and they enjoy creating something beautiful to communicate with others in their own way.

  • Observer

    introverted, eager to learn, analytical and insightful

    This type can listen very attentively, will first understand before they take part in a conversation, and is able to assess situations quickly. Impressions must first be located within their own reference framework before considered reactions can be given and the appropriate action taken. The meaning of life is derived from knowledge.

  • Loyalist

    Responsible, doubting, trustworthy and loyal

    This type is a real thinker and worrier, serious and trustworthy. They are careful and pick up on issues that could go awry in good time. A team player who likes to carry on where others stop, who enjoys working with like-minded people, family, friends and teammates. They are loyal to them and will support them through thick and thin.

  • Optimist

    energetic, lively and enthusiastic

    This type is an enthusiastic epicure who enjoys having fun, is cheerful and curious. Often sees the positive side of things or tries to find the good aspects. Places a great deal of value on cleanliness and tidiness, both in terms of the mind and the environment.

  • Leader

    Direct, independent, confident and protective

    This type likes to take the initiative and is tenacious and does not give up easily. They are strong and have leadership qualities and like to have control. Despite their powerful appearance, they also have a softer side that is shown to few others, and they will stand up for weaker individuals.

  • Mediator

    Empathetic, friendly and supportive

    This type is generally friendly, calm and values connection with others. They avoid aggression and instability and are good are resolving disputes and conflict. They are able to identify the core of the situation rapidly and deal with it effectively. They dislike people who consider themselves important and believe that an organisation functions well through harmony.


In this section of the report, we present your personality and your self-image. What kind of person am I, actually? Which positive traits characterize me, and what should I be cautious about? What are my core qualities?

To analyze your personality, we utilize the Enneagram, a personality theory. This model categorizes nine different personality types with unique characteristics. Although you might have aspects of all nine Enneagram types within you, usually one type predominates your personality.

The basic personality refers to the core characteristics and traits that make you unique. It's how you naturally react to situations and how you generally act. This forms the foundation of who you are, regardless of the circumstances.

Tip: Focus on the positive aspects of your personality and recognize the potential pitfalls.